Tara is a Healing Touch Certified practitioner (HTCP), Reiki Master and an Advance Practice Nurse (APN), in pediatrics. She recently completed the Reiki training and became a Reiki Master in October 2024. She has been a HTCP since May 2016 after completing the Healing Touch Program curriculum. She began her healing touch journey in 2008 and has worked with various people who were looking to heal physical trauma, emotional trauma, grief over loved ones, others looking for personal growth and development. She receives Healing Touch monthly and has a daily practice which allows her to be fully present and available for every one of her clients. She brings compassion, love and understanding to everyone she encounters. Healing yourself is a journey and she is honored to be a part of that journey. Whether you are beginning your healing journey or have been on the path for a while, she believes adding Healing Touch will enhance your emotional, physical, spiritual journey.
Tara is constantly learning and improving on her practice. She has studied the use of Tuning Forks and incorporates them in her sessions. Tuning forks allow for further relaxation and release for the client. Clients are left with a deep sense of relaxation and a sense of peace. She has studied the importance of the Vagus Nerve and works on strengthening it during sessions. She attends workshops and conferences to continue her personal growth which benefits everyone she serves.
Tara has lead retreats for nurses and advanced practice nurses. She leads guided meditations to small groups. She has organized an annual Healing Touch for nurses for the last 13 years. She loves to share Healing Touch and her goal is to reach as many people as possible, so that they can reach their highest good.
Tara has been a registered nurse since 1999 and an advanced practice nurse since 2013. She works with pediatric patients. This population has given her the compassion, the drive and love to serve people of all ages. Her nursing background consists of emergency medicine, trauma and primary care. She incorporates Healing Touch with patients to help their recovery time as well as to release trauma so they do not hold onto the experience.
A Few Words From Tara
​​​​​​I am a Chicago native. I have always been drawn to helping people. I enjoy easing those around me, solving problems and working together to find solutions. I have always been drawn to children. As I have aged, I realize that I am drawn to them because of their infinite wisdom and child-like wonder and trust of the world. In high school, I knew nursing was my calling. I didn’t realize all that would unfold for me when I made this decision. I first heard and learned about energy therapy while I was in nursing school in 1999. One of my instructors performed a healing demonstration in class and I was blown away!! I graduated from nursing school that year and began working as a pediatric nurse. I was concentrating on learning pediatric nursing; however, energy healing never left my thoughts. I read books and tried to find out more about energy work.
Finally after a few years, I found The Healing Touch Program and in 2008, I attended my first HT workshop. That began my very personal energy-healing journey. Initially, I thought I would learn these “techniques” for others, but I slowly began to realize how these techniques, skills and new people in my life would help me on my own spiritual healing journey. Since that weekend in 2008 a lot has happened. I have completed the 5 levels of HT, learned, adopted and practiced various other energy modalities, grown into more of my true self, gained insight into illness and pain. All of this allowed me to fall in love with “the work” of HT, inspired by the founder, Janet Mengen, RN. I am thankful for the HT program and am honored to be able to share my gift with the community.
I have studied Reiki and obtained my Reiki Master training under Diana Czekalski in September 2024. I incorporate any technique that is in the best interest of the client and rely on spirit to guide me always for the clients highest good. I love caring for, listening to and healing people on all levels. Children are a joy and it is my honor to be there for them in the hospital setting.
I began to realize I wanted to give my patients “more,” so in 2009, I began to take classes to obtain my pediatric nurse practitioner degree. I knew with a master’s degree, I could provide my patients with a higher level of support and care. I love being able to offer energy treatments to people as they go through many of life’s challenges. People often need a little “energy boost” when making a transition from one area to the next, or when dealing with the loss of a loved one, or if they feel stuck and they can’t figure out where to go. My clients will find relief from chronic pain, depression or illness with HT. I offer support, compassion and will meet the client on the level they are on. HT is a journey and the client is leading the journey, my role is to support and assist.
With love and gratitude, Tara
Terra Firma Healing Touch Therapy